
               author = "Paiva, Vitor Galazzo de",
                title = "Estimativa do potencial de gera{\c{c}}{\~a}o de energia 
                         e{\'o}lica offshore na margem continental brasileira",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2020",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2019-07-30",
             keywords = "energia e{\'o}lica offshore, vento na superf{\'{\i}}e do mar, 
                         ASCAT, CCMP, margem continental brasileira, offshore wind energy, 
                         ocean winds, brazilian continental margin.",
             abstract = "Seis diferentes bases de dados de vento na superf{\'{\i}}cie do 
                         mar (VSM), incluindo estimativas por sat{\'e}lite, 
                         simula{\c{c}}{\~o}es de modelo num{\'e}rico, rean{\'a}lise e 
                         um produto integrado, foram comparadas estatisticamente com 
                         medidas obtidas por anem{\^o}metros instalados em quinze boias 
                         fundeadas na margem continental brasileira e Oceano Atl{\^a}ntico 
                         Tropical Ocidental visando determinar a base de dados que melhor 
                         representa o campo de ventos nestas regi{\~o}es. Os produtos de 
                         VSM derivados do Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT-A e -B) no 
                         per{\'{\i}}odo 2011-2017 apresentaram as menores 
                         diferen{\c{c}}as em rela{\c{c}}{\~a}o aos dados in situ (RMSE < 
                         1,27 m.s\−1, vi{\'e}s ±0,30 m.s\−1 e R > 0,85) e 
                         foram utilizados para avaliar o potencial de gera{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         de energia e{\'o}lica offshore na regi{\~a}o de estudo. O 
                         produto Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) tamb{\'e}m 
                         apresentou um bom desempenho na compara{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         estat{\'{\i}}stica com os dados in situ (RMSE < 1,56 
                         m.s\−1, vi{\'e}s ±0,37 m.s\−1 e R > 0,82) e por 
                         apresentar a maior cobertura temporal (19882017) foi utilizado no 
                         c{\'a}lculo de climatologias anual e sazonais e na an{\'a}lise 
                         de variabilidade do VSM. Uma alta variabilidade anual (50 %) foi 
                         observada na regi{\~a}o entre o Embaiamento Sul Brasileiro (South 
                         Brazil Bight) e o norte da Argentina (23oS45oS), associada {\`a} 
                         passagem de sistemas frontais e ciclog{\^e}nese. Uma 
                         variabilidade interanual relativamente mais alta (18 %) foi 
                         observada entre 5oN-5oS durante o outono, associada {\`a} 
                         migra{\c{c}}{\~a}o interanual da Zona de Converg{\^e}ncia 
                         Intertropical. As regi{\~o}es que se mostraram mais 
                         prop{\'{\i}}cias ao aproveitamento da energia e{\'o}lica 
                         est{\~a}o situadas entre o leste do Par{\'a} e a divisa entre 
                         RN-PB, entre o Cabo de Santa Marta Grande e a Lagoa dos Patos e 
                         entre o sul do ES e Cabo Frio. O potencial anual de 
                         gera{\c{c}}{\~a}o de energia e{\'o}lica offshore para 
                         regi{\~o}es com at{\'e} 100 m de profundidade ao longo da margem 
                         continental brasileira foi estimado em 946 GW. ABSTRACT: Six 
                         different surface ocean wind (VSM in Portuguese) datasets, 
                         including scatterometer estimates, numerical modelling 
                         simulations, reanalysis and an integrated product, were compared 
                         statistically with in-situ measurements obtained by anemometers 
                         installed in fifteen buoys moored on the Brazilian continental 
                         margin and the Western Tropical Atlantic in order to determine 
                         which dataset best represents near wind field in these regions. 
                         The VSM products derived from the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT-A 
                         and -B) in the period 2011-2017 presented the smallest differences 
                         from the in-situ data (RMSE < 1,27 m.s\−1, bias ±0,30 
                         m.s\−1 e R > 0,85) and were used to evaluate the offshore 
                         wind energy potential in the study region. The Cross-Calibrated 
                         Multi-Platform (CCMP) product also performed well in the 
                         statistical comparison with the in-situ data (RMSE < 1,56 
                         m.s\−1, vi{\'e}s ±0,37 m.s\−1 e R > 0,82) and due 
                         to its longer temporal coverage (1988-2017), was used in the 
                         calculation of annual and seasonal climatology and in the analysis 
                         of VSM variability. A high annual variability (50 %) was observed 
                         in the region between South Brazil Bight and northern Argentina 
                         (23oS-45oS), associated with the passage of frontal systems and 
                         cyclogenesis. Relatively higher interannual variability (18 %) was 
                         observed between 5oN-5oS during the autumn, associated to the 
                         inter-annual migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The 
                         regions with high wind energy potential are located between the 
                         east of Par{\'a} and the border between Rio Grande do Norte and 
                         Paraiba, between Cabo de Santa Marta Grande and Lagoa dos Patos, 
                         and between the south of Espirito Santo and Cabo Frio. The annual 
                         offshore wind energy potential for regions with up to 100 m depth 
                         along the Brazilian continental margin was estimated at 946 GW.",
            committee = "Lorenzzetti, Jo{\~a}o Antonio (presidente) and Kampel, Milton 
                         (orientador) and Maita, Rosio Del Pilar Camayo (orientador) and 
                         Pereira, Enio Bueno and Pimenta, Felipe Mendon{\c{c}}a",
         englishtitle = "Estimate of offshore wind energy production in the brazilian 
                         continental margin",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "118",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP3W34R/3TQ5SHS",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP3W34R/3TQ5SHS",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "28 abr. 2024"
